Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Why hullo, World.

My name is Shaina and this is my first blog. While I'm already pointing out the obvious I might as well keep on my roll, I'm a girl(wickawoo) who is a college student who is going to study abroad in the fall(the reasoning for making this blog as it happens to be) who is slightly sunburnt(being irish and yearning for a tan does not coincide well) who is freezing(our air conditioner is a mighty beast) who has to pee(brb...).

So yes. Now that you're better acquainted with me(and aren't you just a better person for it already? ha), I begin my bloggy blog part of this blog...maybe.

I guess I could write about what my day consisted of but that seems like a big snooze fest which i do not even want to recount to the masses let alone reread in later years when I'm old and gray and realizing that I was not a very cool adolescent(hmm or I suppose I've saved myself the trouble of that grand epiphany by lightbulbing that moment now...score!).

I think I'd like to talk about plans and since this blog, in general, will be for my own purposes you, ambiguous phantom reader, have no say so... HA! My plans for the week are:
  • Write two out of the 6 papers due by the end of next week(barfvomitdie).
  • Buy ze roommate a present for her friday birthday(she wants a goat but that shit ain't happening on my watch).
  • Pack of my winter garb and half of my summer garb that I do not actually wear but look at nostalgically in an attempt to convince myself I will one day.
  • Eat lunch with the beautious roommate of the future(fingers crossed): Kitt.
Those plans are for the near future, end of next week at the max. My future future vast life plans are more interesting(to me anyways) and wayyy more fun to think about:
  • Starting my crazy workout regime as soon as summer hits(while this goal is less fun and more practically it will make all the rest of my goals waaay more fun).
  • Get all ready, all set and GOOOO to Ireland for four months(still more a dream than a reality in my mind even though half of the down payment is paid so I suppose I should kick up the reality a lil bit)
  • Blog blog blog like a crazy fiend while abroad(I'm especially looking forward to this aspect. I'm still unsure whether or not I'm going to put my blog location all over my life aka facebook and such nonsense. It really depends on how much I plan on sensoring myself and at this point and time I'm feeling free as a chincilla(?). I don't really want to have to leave things out because my memory is not the grandest of them all and I want to remember everything and I figure writing it all down on a blog will be a swell way to remember.
  • Come home and see lovely people who I cannot even imagine being without for four months but absence makes the heart grow etc etc(Although I think this phrase was really just created to lull people into a false sense of comfort for their loss but hey. When in the land of denial, do as the denialians ha.)
And now my guy bff Luke is talking about self defense and joint locks and how everyone should know how to do a sleeper hold(cuz it's a life skill)....mmm yeah. leaving. kaybye.

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