Thursday, May 27, 2010

A sunny day and indoors? LAME.

Greetings and salutations.

Today is Thursday, week 9 out of 10 for my last trimester of my sophomore year in college. It's busy central. I forgot about a project I had to have turned in by 5pm today and spent the rest of my day slightly off kilter. I hate when that happens. One things can just set off a domino like chain reaction, building stress and craziness. But everything has simmered now. I'm waiting 'patiently'(is it time yet? come on. come on. come on.) for my study abroad meeting. I'm presenting my powerpoint all about Irish food, customs related and misconceptions. It's pretty cool. I had alot of fun researching and learning odd irish food I'm going to HAVE to try as soon as I'm there. So soon and yet, not even so. September 2nd. It's almost herrree! Other than that, my African American Women Writers class was riveting as always. I'm planning to become involved in some sort of research project with that topic next year. First off, the literature is enthralling and second I love the feminist ideas raised. And lastly (and the most superficial), my professor is so incredibly awesome and I want her as my friend! :]

Alright, what else what else? OH! well, Kitt and I went searching for popcorn man today(short update/story time: On saturday my bff Kitt went into a popcorn shop after I said 'That popcorn guy is a babe and everytime I pass I think 'manohman babealicious babe town'' so kitt, being the super hero she is, went into the shop and explained all this to Popcorn guy. From her account, he was very good natured with this news and said I should take him out to dinner(because Kitt's daring act won her dinner from me). Therefore we went to the popcorn place today so I could actually talk to Mister Babealicious Popcorn man but alas he was not working. Better luck next time.

I have forty more minutes to kill until my meeting. I'm trying to think of stories I want to write down and look back on later but none are coming to mind.

Lately, my best guy friend, Luke, and I have gotten very close. We now discuss anything and everything I would previously only share with girl friends. It's cool to be able to receive feedback from a guy considering their complete opposite nonsensical way of viewing the world but I suppose every sex views the other with the same animosity for our enigmatic ways. But, seriously guys, stop it. :]

Hm hm hm. I suppose I'll stop now with the rambling and the nonsense. My fingernails are painted bright sunshine yellow(that's justa fun fact. Savor it.)

Spock out.

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