ingredients for a very good night.
I was bored at home watching harry potter which, in all truths, isn't a terrible way to spend a sunday night but nevertheless I was a bit saddened by my lacking social calender but then I twas saved by the good graces of an old friend.
My friends from high school(Anna and Sarah) called me and at first I thought it was a drunk dial. The phone conversation started "heyyyyyy, pretty lady" which usually can be safely translated to "heyyyyyyyy...who am I calling? I don't remember but wooo booze!"
So long story short, they were not drunk. They called to see if I was interested in going out to Steak and Shake and then back to Anna's for a movie. SWELL. The cute server at Steak and Shake was a flirtyMcflirt face which was nice. I do enjoy a harmless flirt every so often and he was very good looking. For the fun of it, Anna left him her number. I love spontaneous shenanigans such as that. Keeps the mood fun :]
Then we flopped over to Jewel but their selection of Red Box movies were laaaaaame so Blockbuster it was. Rented "I hope they serve beer in hell". Holy fuuudge. So funny. I was surprised I enjoyed it because I'm usually more into witty movies but even with the crudeness there was some wit snuck in and it kept me laughing so I was happy.
Anna's crazy german sheperd follows commands in german, english AND polish. (Just had to add that cultural note because... it blew my fracking mind ha.)
Reconnecting with those girls makes me feel that summer will, in fact, be fun and exciting. I'm glad cause the last few weeks of school are going to be a hell of a hellish time.
Life is good. Still obsessively playing Michael Buble's 'Havent met you yet'. What can I say? I'm a masochist.
Spock out.
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